Friday, September 11, 2015

Written Task

Look at the picture and create a story. No more than ten lines, including verb phrases, past tense and linking words. Hands on work!


  1. Once i was in the park, i saw two elderly them were talking for two hours when they finished of talk. I talked with them. After that they told me that were person poor. And i was very sad when told me that was person poor. their children had left of home for problems after that i said a them please wait me here i returned my house and looked for many food and clothes, i arrived with my best friend who helped me give it the food and clothes even i with my best friend decided speak with the mayor of Sincelejo who helped a give it a house and many things such as chair, TV set, sound equipment. Finally they were very happy now they live very comfortably and have a better quality of life now, thanks a ours help and the mayor of this city who provided the house they are very grateful with all us and specially with GOD.

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  3. The day after my death
    That day two seniors were talking about their life time,they couldn't believe that their lifes are coming to the end..
    He told her " at least i've got you always next to me and that's what matter"
    she told him, "I still can remember when we were teens I fell in love with you since I saw you" He looking at her said " I can not forget your father He didn't want me to be your boyfriend because I did not have so much money but now I have you that's what matter" they're both said " in this church we've got married and in this same church I want you to die cuz no one can stop us ¡¡¡ we're gonna be together forever even in the sky have you ever thought that maria? You and I dancing in the sky


  4. Once upon a time in a small town lived the Estrada family, the family was recognized in the village for its extravagant parties and large family, but everything was not rosy, one day talking about the heritage one of his sons wanted to stay with all. the young to see that I had to share the inheritance with his brothers decided to kill them all without thinking that would go to jail, their greed led him to jail for many years and their parents were alone, old and with great sadness in your heart. every day they think in their extravagant parties and all those good times they had with their children. his family died and his heart too.
    "The world is big enough to meet the needs of everyone, but will always be too small for the greed of some"

  5. When she looked back in her life, the only thing that remain clear and strong was the same thing, the man that she always loved and how strong that love was, but what made her love him so much? Well, if love wasn’t hard already, she had the world against her, a woman who had it all with a man who had nothing and wanted everything, a man who was not at the same level as her, but she didn’t care. She learned how to appreciate every single moment that she had with him and she was truly happy, although he was not able to provide a lot of things, he still gave her nothing but true and pure love, but one day everything turned grey and a decision had to be made,she had to leave and she was not able to stay there but the hardest was not leaving, it was telling him that she would never see him again, so there she was, sitting in front of him, giving him the news that would kill a perfect love affair.
    Written by:
    Jorge Acosta

  6. Just here fifty year ago I knew the love of my life, when a morning the spring she decided not married with the soldier because she wanted be free like a bird and married with who she wants. After that she came to live with me. She was a wonderful woman.
    One day when we were eating, we listened on the radio “the war began again” it was disastrous news but she said me “I will come back” and she promised me.
    I went every day to this place where I met her, there I was thinking her and I was remembering the beautiful moments together her.
    On the radio they said that we had lost the war, and then the mail said me that I lost my wife too, although it was the worse news, I had to go ahead, so I began forget her, but I could not, I did not believe that my woman was dead.
    One year later, I came back to this place and she was there, she had not her left hand and she also had the half her right arm but she was still beautiful. She looked me and I said “do not worry my love”
    Maria Margarita Alvarez Ramos

  7. Just here fifty year ago I knew the love of my life, when a morning the spring she decided not married with the soldier because she wanted be free like a bird and married with who she wants. After that she came to live with me. She was a wonderful woman.
    One day when we were eating, we listened on the radio “the war began again” it was disastrous news but she said me “I will come back” and she promised me.
    I went every day to this place where I met her, there I was thinking her and I was remembering the beautiful moments together her.
    On the radio they said that we had lost the war, and then the mail said me that I lost my wife too, although it was the worse news, I had to go ahead, so I began forget her, but I could not, I did not believe that my woman was dead.
    One year later, I came back to this place and she was there, she had not her left hand and she also had the half her right arm but she was still beautiful. She looked me and I said “do not worry my love”
    Maria Margarita Alvarez Ramos

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    It was a hot and lonely day, so my husband and me were sitting on our house’s terrace . we talked about our sons, and i felt sad because i wanted stay with my sons in that momento, but i can’t stayed with they because i didn’t know where they were . my husband told me: “ don’t cry my love, they come back at home someday” . although in that momento i felt so sad, my husband’s words filled me with hope, I wipe my tears and kissed my husband. After that we remembered moments with our sons and laughed for hours. suddenly we saw three cars in front of our house, one woman got out of one of the cars and said:” dad, mom, i’m Isabella your daugther¡¡ i’m here¡¡¡. And my brhothers are in their cars”. Two man got out of the other car and they were my sons, Camilo and Iker¡¡¡. I cryed because i felt so happy, i had my sons with my and my husband too¡¡¡¡. I kissed and huged my sons. we were all laughing and crying. The life was beautiful¡¡¡.
    Written by: YULISA GUERRA A

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    The time always make us stronger; stronger in the love, in the frienship, in the life.
    After being so much time living we can be together because we are in love eventhough the age, the problems, the circumstances...
    We always will be in love because we learned to be together, to respect us, because i trust in you and i know you trust in me.
    Now we are sitting in this church where we got married, remembering everything in our relationship and i can say: I love you and i know we are going to spend, the time even we have, together till our dead.
    Written by: Abigail Benitez Garces

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  14. The answer of true love

    love is one of those feelings who never gets old, i always been curious about how you can fall in love forever. my story begins every day... the oldest couple of the town sit in the stairs of and old building, they share that spot for hours i don´t know about what they talk every single day but should be interesting and funny because both still laughing. i found the answer, it doesn't matter how old you are never stop making her laugh. then i decided to make a promise inspired by the couple, if one day i find the right girl i´m going to make her the happiest in the world expecting to last as much as the couple of the stairs. the moral of the story is don´t think what she can do for you think how much you can do for her, if both parts stay in the same way of thinking probably in the future when you decide to share part of your heart you should be ok.

    Written by: Gina Contreras

    In 1988, two brothers lived in Rochester, Emily and Eduar Winslet, when the girl finished her high school she decided to study medicine in London, but his brother Eduar didn’t want to be away from her. So, Eduar visited her every weekend. One day Emily went to a party with your friends, although she knew that her brother went to visited her that day, when Eduar arrived he didn’t found and he called her because he was worry, but Emily forgot her cellphone, ten minutes ago Emily arrived with her friend Elissa and Eduar loved her. They had dinner together Emily, Eduar and Elissa that was very nice.
    Four years later Eduar married with Elissa and Emily finished her career.
    On december 25, they met and they remembered all his life.

    Written by: Eleanys Madariaga Aguilar.

    In 1988, two brothers lived in Rochester, Emily and Eduar Winslet, when the girl finished her high school she decided to study medicine in London, but his brother Eduar didn’t want to be away from her. So, Eduar visited her every weekend. One day Emily went to a party with your friends, although she knew that her brother went to visited her that day, when Eduar arrived he didn’t found and he called her because he was worry, but Emily forgot her cellphone, ten minutes ago Emily arrived with her friend Elissa and Eduar loved her. They had dinner together Emily, Eduar and Elissa that was very nice.
    Four years later Eduar married with Elissa and Emily finished her career.
    On december 25, they met and they remembered all his life.

    Written by: Eleanys Madariaga Aguilar.

  17. THE LIFE

    The life is a story and you are the protagonist and you have to leave all those persons who wants to share with you all the moments , the big and small things of the life , the suffering and they help you to remind you that life goes on , next found a person who loves you because you are their world and so that person it teaches you enjoy the little things in life for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things and you have to smile and laugh uncontrollably and never regret because life's like this

    Written : By Carlos Herrera

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    Once upon a time, a couple meet at a church'sdoor and it was love at first sight. Time passed and they broke away but never forgot about each other neither the place where they met.
    Over the years, they came back to that place, over and over but never at the same home. They got old, but their love was strony enough to keep on and on, even though they would never meet again

    written be alexander diaz lopez

  20. In a little town, two old persons have been living together over 52 years, usually go to the church for giving thanks to God for all the good times. They have spent together. Before getting inside the church, they talk of the happinest moments in their marriage, the sons they have and how happy are they every single day. In fact when the mass is about starting they kiss.

  21. A view to the past:
    A month ago i was walking around my old neighboorhood, i could remember when i was a child playing with my friends, i found there a part of me that i've been lost although i was a deep hole in my heart a big trouble inside of me.
    An amazingly event happen when i was un frontera of Ortega's house,a beautiful old building with a big and pretty wood door, that beautiful couple was alive!
    I said: -hello there i'm so happy to see you again!
    The couple that was talking in that moment dissappear i was un shock, so, i ran to the nearest church, i talked with the priest and he told me: you're so lucky the people that see the Ortega's get good luck un their lives, that's a thing that happen once in a blue moon you just have to be pacient they have died a year ago now they're angels that god send to give peace a good luck to the people that needs a help in their lives.
    I though that i'm lucky because currently i had problems, i argued strongly wirh my boyfriend, i lost my job and had a big question inside...
    I left that neighboorhood i came back home.
    A few weeks later i received a call TO an enterprise, i get a mid time job, i apologize with my boyfriend now i'm going to get married but i still had that question on me.
    I'm very happy i want to say thanks to the Ortega's they gave me happiness.
    I hope find that answer to be truly happy, more than nowadays...
    Written by Inés Arias

  22. A view to the past:
    A month ago i was walking around my old neighboorhood, i could remember when i was a child playing with my friends, i found there a part of me that i've been lost although i was a deep hole in my heart a big trouble inside of me.
    An amazingly event happen when i was un frontera of Ortega's house,a beautiful old building with a big and pretty wood door, that beautiful couple was alive!
    I said: -hello there i'm so happy to see you again!
    The couple that was talking in that moment dissappear i was un shock, so, i ran to the nearest church, i talked with the priest and he told me: you're so lucky the people that see the Ortega's get good luck un their lives, that's a thing that happen once in a blue moon you just have to be pacient they have died a year ago now they're angels that god send to give peace a good luck to the people that needs a help in their lives.
    I though that i'm lucky because currently i had problems, i argued strongly wirh my boyfriend, i lost my job and had a big question inside...
    I left that neighboorhood i came back home.
    A few weeks later i received a call TO an enterprise, i get a mid time job, i apologize with my boyfriend now i'm going to get married but i still had that question on me.
    I'm very happy i want to say thanks to the Ortega's they gave me happiness.
    I hope find that answer to be truly happy, more than nowadays...
    Written by Inés Arias

    A lot of time ago I have wondered How is posible that i am still healthy? Each day that passes I see my decent die and i am still healthy there is my great granddaugter talking with her husband about her healt i can see that she looks pretty sad because she already knows the time of her death approches her look says more than her words the desolation and sadness is huge the time has devorated and consumed her her husband Just look at her believe that she is lying to him the next day she die he takes a rope and he hangs himself and he die to be with her this is a curse Why I have to see the people that i love die?
    I want to die and rest of this curse that is killing me inside
    When I will die?.......
    Written by: Horacio Herazo Cárdenas
